Multimillion dollar business without employees?
Sounds impossible, right? How can one person run a multi million dollar business in 30 countries without offices and lots of employees? What about production and logistics? Who’s going to set up your website and webshop in 20 languages and currencies? Not to mention all the legal stuff needed?
And even more important, the intention by starting business is normally to get MORE freedom and BETTER income, right? Not to work 16 hours a day and spend all your income to hire the help you need. Or to share your company and profits with investors…. 🤔
Traditional business models just don’t work if you want to create your own international multi million dollar business and have the FREEDOM you probably want.
I know, because I have done it. I have build three international companies the traditional way. Offices, employees, investors… It’s great when you run on pure enthusiasm, but after a few years with 16 hour work days and no freedom, not so much anymore.
So, after years as an employee and even more years as a founder and busines owner, I started to look for a smarter way. And I found it. 😀
Today I have that multi million dollar international business with no employees. In fact, I can work from home if I like. I can set my own working hours. No boss to ask for time off for vacations, it’s totally up to me. 👍
And speaking of vacations, my income does not stop if I’m on vacation. In fact, it’s not affected at all.
People in 30+ countries still use what I offer every day, they subscribe to it. And I have nothing to do with the production, shipping or collecting payments, it’s just being taken care of, and my commission is paid to my bank account every week.
And the cool thing is that you can do the same.
If you can invest 2 hours a day on your free time today, and you are willing to learn and put it into action, you could be able to resign from your normal job in a year from now.
If you are thinking of starting your own business, make sure to read my short ebook “The 6 secrets all entrepreneurs need to know about” first. Message me and I’ll send it to you!
Also, read my last post about residual income and Next Level Marketing. I think you will find it interesting!
You will see that it is possible!
What does FREEDOM mean for you? What would you do if you had your own business like this? I would like to hear from you!